Meet Roscoe

All about Roscoe

Roscoe is a 10 years old male Hound/Mix who weighs 50 pounds.

EASY DOES IT! Our Roscoe just might be THE EASIEST DOG AT MLAR!! Sweet, gentle, quiet, housebroken, & a breeze to leash walk (never any pulling), Roscoe is so appreciative of any love, attention, & kindness that you show him. Although he is a senior dog, he can still gallop around the fenced yard when something catches his attention. But Roscoe's real preference is to sit quietly by your side & just enjoy your companionship. Because Roscoe is so easy, he would fit perfectly into a variety of situations: single home, townhouse, or apartment, young adopters or older retirees, fenced yard or leash walk. He has previously lived with kids and multiple cats (and seems tolerant of other dogs here)! Run, don't walk, to meet this sweet guy
Photos (click for full-size)
Roscoe 1
Roscoe 2
Roscoe 3
Additional Information

Site: Main Line Animal Rescue

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