Meet Sugar

All about Sugar

Sugar is a 3 years, 6 months old female Hound/Mix who weighs 46 pounds.

Sugar is well named. Sweet & with the great bursts of energy that a sugar rush brings, Sugar will fly through the air chasing a ball & pouncing on it as if it's an animate object needing to be tamed. You will not need to play with her if you are busy, as she can tire herself out all by herself. After she burns off her puppyish energy in the fenced yard, Sugar will come over for some interaction with you, especially if you have treats. Someone has put a lot of training into Sugar as she knows "sit", "touch", "leave it", & "go get it". She is extremely alert, intelligent, & focused on you. She loves training & aims to please. A very cute, happy, affectionate, & energetic pup, Sugar would do best with an active family that has a fenced yard & could devote enough time to play with her, further her training, & welcome her as a loving family member. Since she can get over-excited at times and can jump up, we recommend a home where the kids are 13+ or adults in the home. Sugar is one great dog who so deserves a safe, loving forever home
Photos (click for full-size)
Sugar 1
Sugar 2
Sugar 3
Additional Information

Site: Main Line Animal Rescue

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