Meet Kanga

All about Kanga

Kanga is a female Neapolitan Mastiff/Mix who weighs 178 pounds.

Ladies and Gentlemen, now coming to the stage, the squishiest pup-a-roo, Kanga! With a heart as big as her paws, her special talent is attaching herself to your hip. Who wouldn't want a 100 pound lap dog? This famous girl even has her own fanclub! She charges everyone 1 chicken nugget per squish. And she happily accepts them and begs for more! This girl does not miss a meal.

She is ready to rock and roll with pups who can keep up with her. Despite all of her fluff, she loves prancing around in yards showing off her beautiful wrinkles as her jowls flap in the wind. She will do best in a low traffic home with older children only.

Please feel free to come down and visit this very special girl and become a part of her fanclub.

Please note: Kanga has a chicken nugget toll to all aspiring club members.

To learn more about Kanga, you can email or call 215-426-6300 using extension 234.

The Pennsylvania SPCA
350 E Erie Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19134
Kennel #3079
Photos (click for full-size)
Kanga 1
Kanga 2
Kanga 3
Additional Information

Site: Philadelphia

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