Meet Sosa

All about Sosa

Sosa is a 4 years, 9 months old female German Shepherd/Mix who weighs 62 pounds.

Hello there, very pleased to make your acquaintance. I may be a young lady still at just about 4 years old, but I'm actually already into my retirement. I worked as a professional Canine Working Dog, but am now those days are behind me and I'm ready to relax my head in a forever home. I appreciate the finer things in life, like bonding with my person over a nice piece of string cheese, and laying on a soft bed. I am looking for a low-key home with a handler that is experienced working with CWDs. Applicants may submit their resumes to my secretary at

The Pennsylvania SPCA
350 E Erie Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19134
Kennel #3079
Photos (click for full-size)
Sosa 1
Sosa 2
Additional Information

Site: Philadelphia

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