Meet Peanut

All about Peanut

Peanut is a 1 year old female Golden Retriever/Shepherd who weighs 47 pounds.

Hi there!
My name is Peanut, and, like a peanut, I can't wait to come out of my shell with you. I'm looking for a family who will shower me with all the love and treats that I deserve (and man, do I love treats!)

I can't wait to fill your home with love. You shouldn't wait either!

Come down to meet me at SPCA!

The Pennsylvania SPCA
350 E Erie Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19134
Kennel #3079

Note that many dogs do not reach full size until they are about a year and a half old. The weight listed here is the dog's current weight.

Photos (click for full-size)
Peanut 1
Peanut 2
Peanut 3
Additional Information

Site: Philadelphia

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