Meet Dinah

All about Dinah

Dinah is a 3 years, 9 months old female Domestic Shorthair/Mix cat who weighs 8 pounds.

Hello, My name is Dinah. I'm a one of a kind kitty. I'm the kind of cat that will play with any toys you give me. I never outgrew my kittenhood and still think the world is a wonder. I'm very self sufficient; all I need is food, water, a warm bed (or your bed), a litter box, loads of toys and a cat companion. I love other cats. I'll do anything to be their best friend. That means many attempts for headbutts and squeezing myself next to them to cuddle. I'm not a lap cat and would appreciate it if the humans keep their distance unless they want to play. So if you have a kitty (or two) who would like a companion, come see me or contact the adoption staff.

If you want more information or to set up a meet, come to the shelter, email or call us at (215) 426-6300 ext. 234.
Photos (click for full-size)
Dinah 1
Dinah 2
Dinah 3
Additional Information

Site: Philadelphia

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