Meet Bailey

All about Bailey

Bailey is a 7 years, 5 months old female Domestic Shorthair/Mix cat who weighs 17 pounds.

Hello, I'm Bailey. In my golden years, I've learned to appreciate the quieter moments. A soft cushion, a sunny spot, a gentle stroke on my back, these are the things I cherish. I'm not one for the hustle and bustle, I prefer solitude. I've always been a bit shy, you see. I don't mind though, I've always been quite independent. My ideal home would be calm and peaceful, no other pets or children to disturb my tranquility. I may be a senior, but I've got a lot of love to give. I'm looking for a companion who understands my need for space, but who also appreciates the quiet moments as much as I do. Will you be my forever friend?

If you want more information or to set up a meet, come to the shelter, email or call us at (215) 426-6300 ext. 234.
Photos (click for full-size)
Bailey 1
Bailey 2
Bailey 3
Additional Information

Site: Philadelphia

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