Meet Sally

All about Sally

Sally is a 5 years, 2 months old female Domestic Shorthair/Mix cat who weighs 15 pounds.

Poor Sally was found abandoned outside of our front gate early one recent, cold morning. We have no idea how many hours she had been there. Our clinic staff quickly brought her inside for warmth and food. Understandably, she was very upset and scared. She slowly allowed pets and human interaction while in a cage. Sally was recently moved into our colony room and has really blossomed. She loves watching birds and playing with toys and really decided that people are nice! She does let the other cats know that she is boss! She is a calico, after all! We have no way of knowing about her past, but we promise her that her future will be much better. Could you be the one who gives that to her?
Photos (click for full-size)
Sally 1
Sally 2
Sally 3
Additional Information

Site: Main Line Animal Rescue

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