Meet Beefy John

All about Beefy John

Beefy John is a 1 year, 3 months old male American Pit Bull Terrier/Mix who weighs 62 pounds.

Meet Beefy John!

We don't know much about his background since he was brought in as a stray. He's open to meeting other large dogs due to his size. He would like a home without cats. He's open to meeting older dog-savvy children.

If you're interested in meeting me, I am located at the Danville PSPCA on Bloom Rd. -- open daily from 12:00 - 6:00 (no appointment needed - all people in the home required to meet the dog before going forward with adoption, along with any dogs in the home with proof of Rabies Vaccine & DHPP Vaccine) If you have any questions about him, feel free to call the shelter at 570-275-0340 or email us at

Note that many dogs do not reach full size until they are about a year and a half old. The weight listed here is the dog's current weight.

Photos (click for full-size)
Beefy John 1
Beefy John 2
Beefy John 3
Additional Information

Site: Danville

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