Meet Benji

All about Benji

Benji is a 10 years, 5 months old male Treeing Walker Coonhound/Mix who weighs 76 pounds.

If you're a Hound enthusiast who cherishes their unique charm, meet old man Benji-he'll steal your heart like no other! ??
This ten year old noble fellow embodies all the qualities of his breed: loyal, affectionate, and vocal, him a symphony to Hound lovers' ears.
Benji is seeking his perfect forever home in his golden years. No senior dog should spend their days in a shelter, and Benji is no exception. With his large frame and even larger personality, he's the epitome of a Hound-talkative, adorable and even sometimes opinionated??!
While he may assert himself with some dogs, we think k he could thrive with a calmer or older dog companion. Benji also has lived happily with cats. In his last home, he used to slumber on the bed snuggled up to the family cat ???? He is also a house-trained gentleman!
All this handsome Hound desires is companionship and a cozy spot to rest in his senior years. Let's join together to find Benji his forever home??
Photos (click for full-size)
Benji 1
Benji 2
Benji 3
Additional Information

Site: MLAR

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