Meet Bo

Video Introduction
All about Bo

Bo is a 5 years, 3 months old male American Staffordshire Terrier/Mix who weighs 82 pounds.

Bo is feeling blue...and we aren't talking about his beautiful stunning coat?????
This sweet boy has been so sad lately.
Once cherished by his previous guardians, Bo was hailed as friendly, playful, and brimming with exuberance. Yet, in the shelter, his vibrant spirit has started to dim.
As a family pet, before life as a shelter dog, Bo was energetic, playful and always longing for affection. He also gets along well with other dogs!
Now, he seems to be losing hope he will ever find a home again. It's as if Bo's life now stands still. While the world moves forward, his existence remains almost frozen in time while he waits in the shelter for a new life to begin.
Bo radiates such sweetness, love, and loyalty when we take him on his outings. Yet, somehow his beauty, both inside and out, remains overlooked with each day passing.
We hold onto hope that someone will see him - truly see him - and offer him the loving home he so desperately deserves??
Photos (click for full-size)
Bo 1
Bo 2
Bo 3
Additional Information

Site: Main Line Animal Rescue

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